Welcome to my Blog

My Journey Through Complex Trauma & Healing

“…But it’s fine,” I said. My therapist responded, “‘It’s fine.’ I’m curious about that phrase because I would guess that maybe, it’s not fine?” One of my first childhood memories was of my brother playing in the hospital after his…

The Ironing Board

This is a photo of me doing breech tilts on our ironing board. I finally threw it away last week. After our son was born, we set it outside by our shed. I couldn’t even look at it. To be…

The Mysterious Tongue Tie

Sometimes there’s a problem even if it isn’t obvious. Believe it or not, this is a picture of a lip tie AND a tongue tie. It’s called a posterior tongue tie. After Elliott was born, we immediately struggled with his…

New Page: Breech Baby Stories

Breech Awareness and Advocacy I have an announcement! Last week, I was scouring the internet for a page dedicated to breech stories and I couldn’t find much based in the United States. So I decided that was my sign to…

Uncovering Breech Trauma: No Means No

To be honest, I have been debating on writing this blog for a while. What I’m about to say is deeply personal and such a sensitive topic. There needs to be more awareness on how past sexual assault can have…

Uncovering Breech Trauma: The “Problem” Child

“It doesn’t look like your baby wants to come out.” “She’s giving you attitude already.” “He’s not in a ‘normal’ position.”  “She’s just stubborn.” “He doesn’t want to cooperate.” These were all things said to me by my doctor, nurses…

Uncovering Breech Trauma: All the “Right” Things

I did everything right! To prove it, here is a list of all the things I did to NOT have a breech baby: Webster Certified Chiropractic Care  Spinning Babies – The Daily Essentials and Flip a Breech Acupuncture Moxibustion  Watched posture/…

Scratching the Surface of Birth Trauma

It’s time to tell you my deepest secrets. Ever since my son was born, I have been angry at myself and bitter. I question myself on every little thing.  I didn’t feel that I was worthy of support because deep…

Birth Matters

Last night, my daughter asked me to tell her the story of her birth. I asked her what she remembered that day because I wanted to hear it from her perspective. My daughter: “I was really, really mad and kicking…

Connor’s Story

In honor of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) Awareness Week, I wanted to share my brother’s story. 26 years ago, Connor was born in a rural hospital in Nebraska. After a completely healthy and normal pregnancy, no one expected things to…

Free Digital Download

How many times have we received unsolicited advice about our pregnancy or parenting? What about encouragement from others? This coloring sheet can be used by filling in the bubbles on the right with things that others are telling you, then…

I’m not the mother I thought I would be.

I’m not the mother I thought I would be. I’m not organized. We’ve got no routines. No designated bedtime. I don’t always feed my kids healthy foods. I don’t always keep my cool. I’m not perfect. I’m the queen of…

It’s Complicated

Can I be honest with you? I have been struggling to figure out what to write for a while. A lot has happened when I decided to go on this journey to write my book. I’ve had to overcome a…

How To Make Placenta Art

Yesterday, a client and I made a placenta painting. I had never made one before but after scouring the internet for ideas, I discovered that there were many different ways to make placenta art. Some people used paint, others used…

What About Me?

“This whole ‘what about me’ culture is getting out of hand.” I had just commented on an article asking people to remember the cesarean moms and this was the response I received. After bickering back and forth with some stranger…

Keep An Open Mind

I wanted to be a voice for others who experience birth trauma, who are afraid to share how they really feel because of the stigma surrounding it. I wrote this book because I wanted to read the many different experiences…

Cesarean Guilt

“I’m a csection mama.” I’m going to be honest, I hate being tagged in posts like this, not because I don’t believe I’m strong, but because I’m simply not proud of my cesareans. I don’t think I’m alone in how…

The Gift

During my second pregnancy, I prepared a whole blog post on what I was going to say when I had my successful, healing VBAC. I was going to talk about how God knew that I needed this redemptive birth experience.…

The Power of Affirmations

I stumbled upon the birth affirmations I used during labor with my son. I remember trying to be intentional with the words; encouraging but realistic. What types of things would I want to look at after the fact? I already…

Keep Calm, Birth is Normal

My five year old daughter asked if she could come with me to see a baby be born. I told her no, but she can watch some births on YouTube. She watched videos of a C-section and a vaginal delivery.…

A Look at the Cover

“Take a look at the cover, what do you see?  How many faces do you see? As I was reading the book and thinking about the stories, I noticed that a lot of these stories were about how we as…

When my children were born, I struggled with complicated feelings over their birth experiences and felt very misunderstood at the time. I started this blog because I wanted to help be a voice for other moms who might be feeling the same way. I wanted others to know that it was okay to feel mixed emotions about their journey into motherhood. 

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